Workshops & Class Suggestions
Supplies needed: Yoga mat, comfortable workout pants, shirt, and hoodie.
Appointment Preparation: Bring a written copy of your exercise goals, your time commitment to exercise, and your desired frequency to exercise.
Women's Health Week Alberta: Wear Red and Walk for Women's Health
Date: May 10, 2021
Time: Lunch hour or anytime that works for you.
The WHC of Alberta has declared May 8 – May 15th, 2021 “Women’s Health Week.” We are encouraging everyone to go walk for 30 minutes in a red shirt to support Women’s Health. We encourage you to be creative and promote Women’s Health with a sign, a homemade T-shirt, or perhaps something else you create. Please share your posts about your walk on our social media pages.
One-One Physiotherapy Exercise Program
Appointment Duration: 90 minutes
Frequency: 1-3 sessions occurring every 6-12 weeks
This session is completed at Leona’s clinic in Okotoks and will entail a physiotherapy exercise assessment. Leona will review your health history, exercise goals, complete a physical MSK assessment and address your level of commitment to exercise. She will then work with you to design a recorded and/or written program that will address your goals and the findings collected in the assessment.
Book your appointment now!